The ‘Oliver Twist Request’

It was a simple request: “Please sir. I want some more.”

In Oliver’s case, it was a request for more gruel; food for sustenance. It was quite an audacious request, one met with disdain and dire consequences. Still, he asked.

I have the same request: “Please sir (God). I want some more.”

In my case, the request is also for food but of a different sort – what I call ‘soul food.’ A request for ‘soul food?’ What is that and how audacious of me to ask! 

Referencing ‘soul food,’ I am not talking about the spicy or special homemade food that graces the kitchens of many a soulful folk. Rather, I am talking about the ‘food of soulful experiences’ that draws one closer to God. The experiences that awaken and enliven one’s soul and heart with a connection to God and all things of the spirit; other-realm experiences. From my perspective, the experiences of being plugged-in and connected to God, the source or universal energy if you like, are mighty powerful. Quite simply, they make me outright happy and hopeful for all good things.

Many is the time I have dreamed a grand dream that actually came to pass. Many is the time that I asked God and the angels for assistance in one matter or another and it was provided. Many are the good days when I was in the right time and place where everyone involved received a blessing. And, many is the time a person appeared in my life at just the right moment or a book crossed my purview that held a message that made everything clearer. One might call these moments and experiences simply a bit of luck or maybe serendipity. I however attribute them to my connection with God.

Yet, for as many times as these good experiences have occurred, sometimes they seem too few and far between. I wonder what is going on in the occasional gaps that prevents a more continuous stream of great experiences? Usually, I find it is because I get too tangled up in my own head. My brain gets clogged up with disparaging thoughts and old patterns of behavior that are no longer of benefit. For me, the solution to get back in the groove and reestablish my connection with God involves three ongoing activities: meditation, prayer, and writing – actually, re-writing my life script. When I perform these three activities, life seems to flows much better and there is a sense of knowing and well-being that permeates my soul. For the most part, after many times of having not been so, I can honestly say that overall, it is well with my soul.

As you read this, please understand that I am not saying that I have ‘the’ solution that will help make everything right in your world or keep you connected to God all the time. I am letting you know what works for me. Take from this what you need and leave the rest. Understand too that in those times when the connection to God seems to come unplugged and life seems a bit unsettled, I suggest that one make the ‘Oliver Twist Request.’ Yes, despite having had, like Oliver, the ‘supper allotted by dietary,’ in my case other-realm experiences and connectedness, I personally still want, and dare to ask for, more!

“Please, sir (God). I want some more.” So be it.

Good day! Melinda Grohol       


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